1. Choose to see the lights on Temple Square during the last family home evening before Christmas (not an original idea!)
2. Ride the Trax downtown on the same evening as a sold out concert/sing-along at the Energy Solutions Arena.
3. Bounce a screaming baby for an hour and a half in a loud, tightly packed train car while your toddler climbs all over you and everyone else.
4. Have your baby go poo and explode out of her diaper in all directions while riding the aforementioned, over-packed train.
5. Miss your stop and end up having to walk back four blocks to your destination.
6. Receive lots of dirty looks as you cut ahead of all the ladies waiting in line outside the bathroom so you can get to the changing table to clean your still disgruntled baby. (For an even better evening be sure to forget a change of clothes so that your little girl has to remain in her yellowed clothes for the remainder of the night.)
7. Don't bring a stroller and have your toddler continually escape you, running through people's legs and across the fenced-off lawn.
8. Get everyone together and smiling for a picture then have your camera batteries die right as you snap the picture.
9. Instead of enjoying the lights, be sure that your son becomes fixated on the one light he finds that does not work.
10. Make sure your toddler cries about having to get back on the train because the horrific memory of the train ride downtown is still fresh on his mind.
On our way home, after about the six or seventh stop, enough people got off the train that we could actually sit down. As I sat there I thought and laughed about our horrible night. Really, I don't think that things could have gotten any worse. All we wanted was a fun, family activity for Christmas, but it more closely resembled a nightmare.
Our experience tonight helped me to remember that Christmas is not about the lights or the presents, or the yummy treats. It is about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I would just like to testify here that I know he lives and I love Him.
Merry CHRISTmas.