Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Farewell to Meetings

On Sunday Sam was officially released from his calling as the Second Counselor in the 9th Ward Bishopric. It was a bitter sweet experience for both of us. While we are ready to move on, the past two and a half years in the single-student ward have been and incredible experience for our family and we will miss all of our friends terribly. We couldn't imagine a better role model than Bishop Johnson and we want our family to be just like his when we grow up. On the other hand we are looking forward to making new friends and hearing other babies (not just Oliver) make noise during Sacrament Meeting.


Anna said...

wow, that's crazy he was in for 2 1/2 years, that went by fast. how fun for you to go to a family ward :)

Kirk said...

Now Sam can get called as the bishop or Stake President or something ;)

Tayce and Lacie Jo Robinson said...

Well, we'll miss so much! Hope all is well and I hope that we get to see you once and awhile. Have a great week.
Lacie Jo and Tayce