Sam and Oliver both found new favorite activities this week. For Oliver it was swimming. He tried out his swimmers legs at the public pool and in his wading pool in the backyard. He didn't appear to have a preference for one or the other, as long as there was water he was entertained.
For Sam and myself, our newest adventure was a night out to see the show "Stomp." It was an incredible group of people who dance and make music on brooms, garbage cans, lighters and anything else you might rummage out of a junk heap. It was awesome and we highly recommend going if it ever comes to your town.
Hi Peays! I logged on to your blog to see if Kai remembered Oliver, and sure enough, the second she saw him she started waving at the screen and got really excited. We will be up your way this weekend. It would be nice to see you for a minute if you have the time. Call me or text and let me know.
How fun!! Ollie looks like he is in heaven! I've always wanted to see the show "Stomp!" I think it would be so much fun.
That looks like a lot of fun. Addie loves anything with water too. I've always wanted to see "Stomp" too, glad you enjoyed it.
I can't believe how big he has gotten!! How fun. So, was Stomp a live thing or a recording? It sounds really interesting!
Hi Peays!
I logged on to your blog to see if Kai remembered Oliver, and sure enough, the second she saw him she started waving at the screen and got really excited. We will be up your way this weekend. It would be nice to see you for a minute if you have the time. Call me or text and let me know.
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