BMW who?
If you want to make a statement in Colorado you don't drive a Mercedes or a BMW. Oh no. It is all about the Subaru wagon. And what exactly does the Subaru wagon say about a person? Simply said, it means that you are the epitome of outdoorsy. It isn't just a car, it is an all encompassing statement about who you are; the type of person who buys all their clothes at REI and wears temperature controlled clothing inside the mall just in case the temperature differs from store to store. You recycle everything and have a large collection of reusable grocery bags. You are a climber, a hiker, a kayaker, a skier and an avid participant in whatever other sport that Thule makes a car rack for. If you drive a Subaru wagon you don't just love the outdoors, you are the outdoors.

Folks in Colorado are ga-ga for their dogs. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing, I just have never been in such a dog crazy place before. Several times at the park I have been carrying on a typical young-mother "How old is your baby?" "What is he learning to do" conversation with someone, only to discover that while I was referring to my toddler, they were talking about their dog. On top of that, the local target has only one small isle for baby food and four for dog food. Thats right, you can find organic dog food, meaty dog food, vegetarian dog food, and dog food that guarantees to help your dog grow smarter.

Do they come with neon flashing lights?
During those few moments that our faithful Coloradans abandon thier Subarus, they do have another identifying feature. Footware. I'm not quite sure what they are just yet, they appear to be a cross between a hiking shoe and a sandal. The best part about them is that they only come in hiteously bright colors so that they can be spotted from long distances, leaving no doubt as to the message their wearer is trying to send.

So true! So true! I can't believe you've made such astute observations after living there such a short time. BUT, keep in mind that you live in a very liberal college town which is surprisingly close to another even more liberal college town (Boulder) where, I'm sure, most of the SofM students did thier undergrad :) The whole state jokes about Boulder and how 'granola-y" they are :)
I died laughing about the sandles. It's so true!
Let's play today. I'll email you...
Your posts are cracking me up, sounds like you have some great observations into the people who surround you. I can't wait to hear more :)
It actually sounds more laid back. I'd like to be around dogs and sandles then really rich BMW's and trying to "keep up with the jones'". Looks pretty too. What do you mean you live in a barn? You'll have to post some pictures of it. The picture of Ollie in the kitchen looks great! That's a bigger and better kitchen than I could hope for here! How long are you guys there for again?
Ann, there is one thing that you need to realize, in Golden the Jones drive a Subaru and wear sandals! You should spend some time at REI and get a feel for how much people spend, organic is not cheep.
Tell your husband that sometime I get teary eyed when I remember SUU games on cold winter nights!
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