Friday, November 6, 2009


I had to begin this post with this picture of Sam because it pretty much sums up how we all have felt about this past week. Our week included packing all of our belongings into boxes and moving them to a storage unit (with the help of a U-haul truck and a couple faithful Elder Quorum members, thanks again!) Cleaning our rental house and then driving to Utah through a horrible snow storm that turned our nine hour drive into fifteen. Once here we quickly unpacked, bought a pumpkin, celebrated Halloween, then began cooking and cleaning like crazy to get ready for everyone who came on Sunday for Ruby's baby blessing. I just have to add a special thanks here to my mom, without whose help we would not have survived. She flew to Colorado Springs to help with the packing and cleaning then flew home with Ollie so that I would only have to take Ruby in the car with me. Once here she worked tirelessly to get everything ready for the blessing so that it would be a wonderful day for all of us (which it definitely was). And, she even had the energy to chase Oliver through the corn maze at the pumpkin patch. Thanks again mom, you're amazing!

Before coming to Utah we got to celebrate our first real snowstorm of the year in Colorado Springs. Oliver was fascinated with making tracks in the stow and spent a good hour just walking back and forth across the backyard.

Oliver is currently obsessed with machinery, i.e. garbage trucks, tractors, trains, etc. So, you can imagine his delight when he discovered a whole row of tractors at the pumpkin patch we visited.

They also had a corn maze, but Ollie was more concerned with chasing the chickens into the maze than finding a way through himself.

Out of all the pumpkins, Oliver set his heart on what he dubbed the "white baby pumpkin" I'm not sure whether it was a pumpkin or a squash because it was misshapen and slightly rotted, but we took it home with us anyway

And here is our little monkey. If you ask him what he is he will tell you he is a "monkey jumping on the bed." He had me put the costume on him a few times leading up to Halloween so he could jump on my bed while I sang the song. He didn't care too much about the candy on Halloween, but as you can tell he thought the pumpkins were fascinating. He made us relight them every night until finally the pumpkins got mushy and had to be thrown out.
For the record, Ruby was dressed up as an adorable little pumpkin. Unfortunately, we forgot to take any pictures. We also forgot to bring our camera out for the blessing so you will just have to take my word for it that she looked cute (despite the fact that her cute hair bow and the panties to her dress both got lost somewhere in the move). It was wonderful to have so much family here to support us and Sam did a beautiful job on the blessing. All in all it was a great week, but I am sure glad its over!


Jacqui said...

That is a priceless photo of Oliver and your mom in the corn maze. So darling!

Veronica and Ryan said...

Oliver is getting so big! Glad you made it!

Seth and Emry Gubler said...

Sam looks so tired! I love the monkey costumes!

Anna said...

What fun Halloween pictures! I can't believe all of the changes you are going through, I hope it all works out for you guys.

Andrew did find a new job in SLC, he finally got the boot from OLWM. He is moving up tomorrow and I am staying here with the girls until we find a place to rent and finish up some stuff down here. I think I will be there first part of December. If you are still there then, which it sounds like you will be, let's for sure get together :)

Megan said...

Whew! Is right! Hey we're here and Anne is waiting for a night! I'm glad you can have this next week to gather yourselves and relax I hope. Your mom is the best, that's so awesome. I'm glad that the baby blessing went well.

julie and john said...

How was the blessing? We wanted to go, but Eleanor had a slight fever. Hopefully it was a beautiful day! I wanted to see cute little Ruby. The announcement you sent out was so dang cute! She and Oliver really do look so much alike! They are both ADORABLE!

Next time Sam's in town we all need to get together!