Disclaimer, you may not be too interested in a lot of this stuff, but this blog is the only record I keep of our little family so I am recording these things for my own benefit.
Oliver is an absoute two-year-old, I wouldn't necessarily call them the terrible twos, rather, they are the extreme-twos. Extreme in the sense that we experience all emotions - to the extreme! One moment he will be telling us "No, no, no" and sending everyone within hearing range to time out (something that doesn't really go over too well) to covering my face in kisses when I'm feeling bad, to make it better. Oliver has reached the point at which he could star on Bill Cosby's "Kids Say The Darndest Things". The following is just a sampling:
1. First thing Oliver told me when I got him out of bed one day last week was, "Mommy, I want need to make a mess. Pleeeeeeeeease." It used to be that Oliver never "wanted" anything, the only verb he ever used was "need" now however he has started to have "want needs". I guess he is pretty much just like the rest of us who can't seem to draw a hard line between needs and desires, he is just more verbal about it!
2. At the store Oliver loves to push the cart through the isles of clothes stopping every few feet to pull random articles of clothing out and exclaim, "Oh, that is soooo cute!" The other day he pulled something out, examined it then put it back and moved on explaining that he, "needed something yellow." Oh dear.
3. "I need chocolate." He is obviously his father's son.
4. Sam has an affinity for diet coke, but seeing as Oliver has enough energy as it is we don't let him drink any. Of course, that hasn't' ever stopped him from asking for "black juice" or what he has dubbed "daddy juice." Our solution has been to introduce "Big Brother Juice" aka Fresca. He loves to go on adventures with daddy to get big brother juice.
5. The "Secret Taco". Oliver used to have an invented word for water, it was "gogee" and it covered every kind of liquid from juice to rain to the ocean. He has a new filler word these days, but we can't quite pin down what it means. The word is "taco." I decided to start keeping track of all of the qualities of a "taco"in an effort to figure out what it was. I evenutally decided that was futile after the "taco" changed from something "high in the sky" to "the house of Jesus" to something to do with "water games" in just over an hour. Yesterday he was making a biting motion toward the sky, when I asked him what he was doing he explained to me that he was eating the moon. When I asked him what it tasted like he casually replied, "a taco". Duh, why did I even bother to ask?