Sunday, February 21, 2010

My great debaters

When Sam was in high school his dismal attendance record got him kicked out of the English department (as a recent recipient of a Masters Degree he has obviously made a big turn around). At the time, one of the teachers, Sam Beason, decided to make Sam his personal "project" and offered to help him get credit in English, which he needed to graduate, if he would join the debate class, unbeknown to him that also meant joining the school debate team. Long story short - or short story even shorter - Sam ended up winning the state championship in debate that year. Needless to say, he is a talented debater - unless of course he is facing off against me, hem, hem.

I think our son may share his talent - or at least his love for debate. The following is a conversation I had with him a few days ago:

Ollie: Mom, say no. Pleeeeeeeeease!
Mom: huh
Ollie: Say no.
Mom: Okay, no.
Ollie: YES!
Mom (catching on now): no
Ollie: YES!
Mom: no
Ollie: YES!
Mom: no
Ollie YES!
Mom: no
(continued. . . )


kkoyle said...

I Love IT! How funny our kids can be. Spencer tells me on a regular basis that he "has to" whenever I tell him "No." So We miss you guys and love you tons!

Tracy said...

Hi girlie!! How r u! I love blogging but have to admit I'm not the best writter or speller for that matter. I've actually temp. given it up since moving here and have been trying to get the energy to get back to it. Love your blog by the way! Miss Ollie! Sydney is all about saying the opposite and doing things her way. Gotta love them! Glad Ruby is such a sweet girl. Nolan is such a sweet boy too. Loving him to pieces. Miss you r u back or coming back???? Email me or give me a buzz. TTYS and LOL Tracy, Sydney, and Nolan