Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nine Months and counting....

We took Oliver in for his nine month check-up a little while ago and are happy to report that he is healthy and thriving. He weighed in at 19 pounds 10 ounces and was 28 and 1/2 inches long. Our little dude is so much fun, his newest tricks include clapping, waving, and walking while holding on to our hands. His favorite things are strawberries, cats and playing peek-a-boo. He always insists upon being the loudest thing in the room. He only ever cries when he falls and bonks his head, but he spends the better part of everyday yelling. He is so loud, we love to hear him babble but sometimes wish he came with a volume button.


Seth and Emry Gubler said...

He is so cute! We miss him. As a side note, Seth and I were playing 20 questions and Seth used Oliver as one of his "people". (I hope that makes sense.) I guessed it was Oliver after 12 questions.

AshEnds said...

I love it. He is so big, and learning so much. Kevin sure misses him though.