So, the other day Oliver came to me and wanted to play catch. When I threw ball at him he made no attempt to catch it, rather, he explained to me that he wanted to hit it with his tail. (I think he saw a show with dinosaurs playing catch with their tails.) We had played that game before so instead of throwing the ball at his chest I threw it to his bottom. He then informed me that that was not his tail and that his tail was under his pants. Being the obliging mother that I am I helped him take his pants off. (Sam, who was in the room and had caught on a lot sooner than I had was smirking by this point). After throwing the ball at his now pant-less bottom he once again insisted that that was not his tail and that his tail was in his diaper. It was at this point that I caught on to exactly what a "tail was. Seeing as there were a number of people around and in an effort to avoid any indecent exposure I diverted his attention by offering to find him an even better tail. Hence, the above outfit. What I was not prepared for was just how much he would love it. He insisted on attempting to fly off of every piece of furniture in the house and flat out refused to remove the wings and tail for his nap or for a trip to the store (although I did manage to put his pants back on him for that outing!) A few days later we finally had to hide the wings and tail in order to get him to stop putting them back on.
So many new posts! That is crazy-awesome. I loved all the pictures, and I will be teasing Ollie about the "tail in his diaper" forever. Mwahaha!
Funny, so funny.
Go Oli!! I am so pleased to know that other kids insist on wearing dress up clothes outside the house. Lauren has to have her princess skirts on at all times. With her princess shoes too. But she looks more like an orphan and when we go to the store people give me weird looks. Oh well.
I love how much he is learning from the PBS shows! That's crazy! Such big words but even cooler than that is that he knows what they mean! That's awesome. The most Lauren has learned lately is from Max and Ruby from Nick Jr. and that was the game "Duck, Duck, Goose". haha.
P.S. E.Jay misses Sam!
Boys and their obsession with their tails. This was like a post explosion, and so fun to read! My boys LOVE Dinosaur Train. Brady sings the T-Rex song all the time. It's a fun show, but in reality, Buddy would have eaten his family by now.
That is awesome. I had a brother-in-law that would let his little girl shower by him until she asked him why he had a tail. Good stuff.
We totally cracked up over this post. Kaleo especially got a kick out of it. Also, I can sympathize on the Dinosaur Train. Do you ever catch yourself singing, "Once upon a time there was a mom. Her name was Mrs. Pteranodon ..."? Kai loves the show to. Oh, and good luck with the potty training (if you haven't already mastered it). Ruby is a doll, by the way. It has been way too long since I checked your blog!
I keep looking for a post with photos of your new home. How is it??
Janell! Update this! Have you noticed that I check this blog regularly! Well I know that you are in your own house now with your own computer, so this is a threat - update your blog, or else!
Um... 4 weeks! Its been four weeks. I think we're getting a little anxious out here!
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