Another week has found us without a camera. However, I did not want to neglect keeping everyone up-to-date on our lives, just because we can't showcase our bright, smiley faces. So here is our week in a nutshell:
1. Oliver is now the proud possessor of two teeth, or at least one full tooth and one tiny white stub. His newest interests include eating bites of whatever mom and dad are eating, standing on his own while holding onto furniture and chewing on peoples noses. This is his new twist on the "kiss", he has found that his tooth comes in much more handy if applied to the nose rather than the cheek. He is very proficient at it, just ask his uncle Donald.
2. Sam was offered a fellowship at the Colorado School of Mines and officially submitted his acceptance letter this week. We are excited to be making plans to move to Golden, Colorado. Wherever that may be. Sam also got a taste of rock climbing this week as we tagged along with Donald and Caci to the "Bowling Alley" a bouldering area just a few miles up Cedar Mountain. Sam did really great, especially considering the fact that he was wearing loafers. Sam officially gave up desserts and candy this week and managed to maintain the eyesight in both his eyes (inside joke) during those rough first days. Unfortunately, Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream went on sale and all of Sam's healthy ambitions were left by the wayside. How could anyone turn down a scoop of chocolatey, fudgey goodness like that?
3. We have decided to move in with my parents for three months this summer to save some money for graduate school so I have spent the week mentally packing my apartment. It is no fun but I can't seem to think about anything else. I have this nagging suspicion that by the time I really do put everything into boxes I will have already had to mentally pack and unpack it all at least 20 times. I have started sorting through things that will be going to the D.I. I am not a pack-rat, so it has amazed me the amount of stuff I have found to get rid of. Aside from my new packing fetish, I have gotten hooked on a new genre of books; historical fictions about the settling of the western frontier. I checked out "Lonesome Dove" from the library and plan to begin tackling it soon.