Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What will be next to go?

To put it bluntly, I am TIRED. Being out under the hot sun makes me tired. Chasing my toddler all day long makes me tired. And being pregnant makes me really tired. I just don't have the energy that I did a few months ago and so to compensate I have been slowly eliminating things from my daily schedule. Sadly, the first thing to go was cooking. I used to be one of those good wives who wakes up and makes their husband a yummy breakfast all from scratch. Lately, I just makes sure the cereal shelf is well stocked. I even broke down this week and purchased Eggo waffles for the first time in my life. (I'm sure my mother would be so disappointed in me).

Next to go was my personal hygiene, don't worry, I still shower, shave and put on deodorant, but the days of blow drying and straightening my hair have come to an end - at least for the rest of this pregnancy. Now I am all about the wavy, disjointed curls that come from letting my hair just air dry on my way to the library or the park. As if that wasn't bad enough, last week I caught myself putting on a collared shirt without ironing it, an absolute unparalleled act of laziness for me.

All of this leaves me sitting and wondering what will be the next to go. What else can I cut out so that I can still have the energy to make it to the top of the slide when I am playing with Ollie at the park?

(Oh, and for the record, I actually thought the the Eggo waffles were really yummy).


kkoyle said...

Okay Seriously, you can only be super woman for so long. My advice, enjoy the break! You'll always be awesome no matter if you iron your shirt or not (which by the way I never do anyway!).

Veronica and Ryan said...

Eggos are yum. Try the little ones that have cinnimon sugar. My friends mom sat in her back yard in her swimming suit with her feet in a baby pool for most of the last 2 months of her pregnancy. I think you should try that. Just take lots of toys and snacks outside with you.

The Busey Family said...

Wow with the cooking breakfast for Sam everyday from scratch. That is awesome. I would do that, but Ben leaves at 6:00 am. Sorry I am not going to wake up at 5. Maybe someday I will do that! I know the feeling about being tired when pregnant. I am sure every women who has been pregnant knows. Don't worry about all of that stuff. You are great even if your husband has to eat cereal for breakfast. I love that by the way and the Eggo waffles are so...good!