Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I prefer my house to be cleaner than it currently is.

I'd much rather look for something to wear in my drawer than dig through the laundry hamper or the pile of unfolded clothes like I did this morning.

I'd like to make a yummy dinner instead of warming up leftovers as I am planning to do tonight.

Somedays I just have to look the other way and remember that I am not sealed to this house for all eternity, but I am sealed to my kids forever. And so, I am going to stop perusing blogs and go start dinner so that when my toddler wakes up from his nap I will have plenty of time to play trains and read books - even if it is the same book over and over and over again.

Because I am a mom first and foremost.


Anonymous said...

I want to see more pictures!! I'm so excited you guys are comin soon!

maugers said...

So true. I wish my time was spent being a great mom, and wife. Sometimes those do compete though :)

Jacqui said...

Darling photo.

Shoot, I guess I should go start dinner too.

Brittney said...

Nicely said--I second that!

Daniel said...

my life seems like it is all a matter of perspective... same thing different day, different attitude different outcome. You can do this! Yes we will hang out, let the boys play and feed the babes! Call me, 801-615-3677 we'll make plans. MARCI

Whitney said...

I heart your perspective. I think you are spot on. Keep up the mess and microwaved dinners!

Anna said...

What a darling photo, your kids are too cute! I love reading your posts you are always spot on, hope you are doing well.

Seth and Emry Gubler said...

That picture is adorable! Miss you guys!