If you have an extra half-an-hour in your day to spare stop on by and ask Oliver how he hurt his head. You will be taken by the hand to a particular corner of the house where he will reenact and recount (in great detail) how he slipped and hit his head. You will then be led to the phone where mommy called dad to see about getting stitches. He will tell you all about how he cried and mommy gave him his blue blanket. Then, he will take you to the bathroom and tell how mommy gave him a bandaid and a kiss to make it better and how the "butterflies" came out and made the ouchie go away. (Obviously there is some confusion in regards to the butterfly bandaids).
In this picture Oliver had decided that his cut needed a bit more tape so he took things into his own hands. He insisted on leaving the tape in place for a few hours.
Boys and injuries... I love the age or long explanations, so cute! Brady still doesn't talk though.
Ouchie! Sydney just got her first head to a cement step and daddy had to stitch her up. She recounts the whole story too. The part I'm most ashamed about is she says," Mommy saw it and so Oh, Gosh and then took her shirt off and put it on my head!"
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