Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Here comes Santa Clause . . . .

So, you know those people who drive you crazy because they watch Christmas movies in July and then start listening to Christmas music before you've even finished your Halloween candy? Well, I have a confession to make. I AM ONE OF THEM!! I love Christmas and anything that gets me in that "Christmasy" mood. Even worse than me is Sam, who started streaming Christmas music back in October because our local stations weren't playing any yet (imagine that). Fortunately for us, we have found ourselves in good company. Last week (yes, it was before Thanksgiving) we got together with some friends to make gingerbread houses. Our "glue" had a rough time setting up so after a while we decided it was more fun just to sit around and munch on the leftover candy instead. We had a great time. Below are our masterpieces. Oliver helped with mine, of course, by helped I mean he sat on my lap and wiggled and squirmed whilst I tried to piece together my graham crackers. When Sam's first attempt came crashing down, he deemed it structurally unsound and and started over again by creating a beach scene with nothing over one story (smart guy).


Seth and Emry Gubler said...

That is so funny because I was thinking of having a gingerbread house party too. I'll have to give you a call to hear about all the details so mine runs smoothly.

Whitney said...

Just one question...did you make a gingerbread train? I know that Ash would want me to ask.

Sam said...

Ha, ha, ha. No, I did not make a train because I am sure that if I did you would have come from Hawaii and Ashley would have come from Spain just to eat my oreo wheels!

Whitney said...

We would have just picked at it until you stomped out of the room.

Jacqui said...

obviously there's an inside joke there that the rest of us are missing. I thought the beach scene was clever

Whitney said...

It looks like you should recount the tale of the gingerbread train for all to hear. Then after you are done, I will tell the real story.

Peay Family said...

I don't think that anyone needs to hear it. And, furthermore I don't think that you can be trusted to give a correct version of the incident anyway! Love ya.

Whitney said...

If only our one family video were available online, then everyone would know the truth!

Kirk said...

good lookin' gingerbread house. Good luck with finals next week Sam.