Saturday, August 15, 2009

Picker, picker carrot eater

I knew it would all be over the second he saw me do it. I was right. I picked a carrot from our garden earlier this week and Oliver has continued to pick dozens more. He thinks it is pretty much the coolest thing ever. We made a rule that he can't pick a new carrot until he eats his last one. He has been pretty good about it, the only trouble is that if I am not handy to wash it off, the carrot will go straight to his mouth dirt and all. I wonder how many carrots he can eat before his skin starts to turn orange? I guess I should just be grateful that the carrots seem to have temporarily distracted him from the tomatoes. We have a few that are beginning to turn red and he is absolutely obsessed with them. Every time we go into the backyard he has to point out the "orange" tomato.

1 comment:

kkoyle said...

I wish I could get Reese to just swallow the carrot and not spit out the ground up remains on my floor! So way to go, Ollie is officially the healthiest eater I have ever seen.